Evenings At The Birch Aquarium

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Birch Aquarium features the groundbreaking work of Scripps Oceanography and UC San Diego scientists

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Birch Aquarium features the groundbreaking work of Scripps Oceanography and UC San Diego scientists. We love that the aquarium draws us in for a shared appreciation for what lives above and below the ocean. And now, they invite us to experience the aquarium’s evenings out. 

The Birch Aquarium is hosting an adults 21 and older event that features: 

Live music and DJs 

Refreshments and cocktails 

Rotating interactive activations

Birch Aquarium is very active at night. The evening visit is a chance to discover the sea life in a new way. Join the fun day or night at the Birch Aquarium, where they present engaging hands-on learning opportunities that inspire students and guests alike. 

Visit the Birch Aquarium website for current events and activities to join. 

Photo courtesy of Birch Aquarium

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