Check Out HIRE! A All-New Board Game and App At Gen Con

Discover a game created by Daron Kaloustian, a 15-year old High School Sophomore from Sherman Oaks, CA, HIRE! It's cool when someone as young as Daron steps up to deliver a all-new board game and App that is engaging, and brings the suspense and volatility of the Bull and Bear Market right to your living room.

Daron is a typical teenager with somewhat atypical teenage interests. In fact, until just recently Daron resisted having his own cell phone and preferred to spend his time on activities including everything from games and gardening, to the environment and of course, the Stock Exchange. Daron’s family decided to put his love of stocks to the test and instead of birthday and holiday gifts, they opened and deposited money in an Ameritrade account for Daron to start investing. He would then use his extensive (and self-taught) knowledge of the Stock Market to make wise investments, some of which have yielded a 90% return!

His trading prowess and success inspired the HIRE! boardgame and App, which educates players on how the real-life Stock Market operates, in a competitive, fun and easy-to-understand format.  Daron’s oldest brother wrote the code for the first version of the app, and his friends were among the first to play test the game and Daron knew HIRE! was a winner when one of his brother’s classmates at the Wharton School of Business said, “I can’t wait to get this game for myself!”

Look for Daron in GenCon’s First Exposure Playtest Hall, where you can check out HIRE! for yourself

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