Grave Digger VR Ride Thrills Fans At WonderWorks


WonderWorks is a unexpected surprise each time we visit. This is a science-focused indoor amusement park with so much to see. In fact, there are over 100 hands-on exhibits that reveal the mysterious wonders of science.

The Panama City Beach WonderWorks is already exciting, and now they have added the Grave Digger Virtual Reality Ride. This thrilling ride is a permanent part of the WonderWorks Panama City Beach experience and is included in the price of admission.


Monster Truck fans are familiar with Grave Digger, which is known for doing awesome tricks. Then, there were the insane crashes that bring folks to their feet. 


"For the first time, now customers can experience the thrill of driving one of the most famous Monster Trucks in the world—Grave Digger! The simulator offers a range of movement on a 6-axis platform featuring pitch, roll, and yaw movements," says a spokesperson from DOF Robotics.

Now, you can feel the power of Grave Digger in this VR experience. Check out the Video. 

Visit the WonderWorks website for current news, deals, and to plan your visit. 


Photo Credits - WonderWorks/Grave Digger

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