Explore Haleakalā National Park With Guided Events

Looking for a activity in Hawaii? At Haleakalā National Park, you can join, Ranger Gayle, as she presents a geology talk featuring Native Hawaiian perspectives on rocks, a plentiful resource in Hawai'i. In fact, there are programs and talks that offer fun insight into the beautiful landscape and history that is Hawai'i.

One of the treasures to explore is Haleakalā National Park that is rich in cultural and natural history. Joining the park naturalists is a wonderful way to learn more about the state's culture with interpretive programs,  cultural demostrations, citizen scientist projects, and guided talks and walks.

When you visit the Haleakalā National Park website you can learn about current times and locations for ranger-guided walks and talks. They also share this news on their social media accounts, which also includes news on any  special events to join on your visit!
Among the ongoing events is the Cultural Resource tours in the summit district. These tours are perfect for learning about the region, and include a behind the scenes look at the Haleakalā National Park's museum collection. They will also talk on the history of early tourism to Haleakalā, and a guided tour of the history of architecture in the park.

Photo Credits: Haleakalā National Park

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