Amazing Snake Encounters At The Indianapolis Zoo

When was the last time you spotted a snake? How about seeing a Burmese python? In the new habitat at the Indianapolis Zoo you'll encounter many colorful and beautiful snakes. What we love the most about the new habitat is the opportunity to understand more about these stunning reptiles and their environments.

Located in the Deserts Dome, the Zoo is giving us a closer look at snakes. Among the new additions is the highly venomous, black mamba that is really long and intimidating. This is not the only venomous snake you’ll discover in this expanded habitat - they also have several snake species the Copperhead and Rattle Snake that are found in Indiana to watch out for in the wild.

The opportunity to learn more about snakes and how they help the environment is wonderful. It’s nice to take your time as you walk through the habitat because you might miss one of the animals.  In fact, this is what we find most enjoyable about the Indianapolis Zoo - we always experience something new. 

In the Deserts Dome there are lizards, turtles as well as snakes that entertain - oh yes, we cannot forget the cute and curious, Meerkats. Nature is very clever and often camouflage is the best defense for many desert creatures. There is also safety in numbers, and having a watchful eye out helps as we saw with the Meerkats, who alert each other to dangers lurking nearby - including snakes in the desert.

As we explored the new snake habitat it was more often the parents who were frightened of the snakes. The children were as curious as Meerkats, and as watchful. They also spotted the snakes hidden in the numerous exhibits when we missed them. Oh, the wonders of fresh eyes viewing the world - they reveal the hidden beauty and magic of the moment we cherish most.

Join #TeamSnake as we did and enjoy exploring the new snake habitat at the Indianapolis Zoo!
Plan Your Visit To The Indianapolis Zoo and White River Gardens

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