Enjoy Wildlife Expeditions In Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park

The fall and winter are a great time to view Wyoming’s wildlife in Grand Teton National Park. In the Fall you’ll find elk freely roaming in Yellowstone and nearby Grand Teton National Parks. Males of the species are very active whether fighting for dominance or chasing females. Wyoming is one of the few places you can watch the “rutting” rituals. It’s always best to schedule a tour with expert guides. One choice of excellence is Wildlife Expeditions of Teton Science Schools. Many of the fall and winter programs are packaged with lodging in Jackson.

In order to protect the wildlife that lives in Wyoming’s great outdoors a trust fund has been established to insure the state’s wildlife population can thrive into the foreseeable future. One of the best ways to learn about habitat protection and interaction of animals is a visit to the National Bighorn Sheep Interpretive Center in Dubois. After time in the center, be sure to schedule a tour of the herd on nearby Whiskey Mountain. The guided expeditions take up most of a morning and run November through March for a reasonable fee. It’s a rare opportunity to see such a large assemblage of Rocky Mountain Bighorns up close. Spotting scopes and binoculars are provided for a up close and personal view of these amazing creatures.

For more outdoor adventures in Wyoming turn to Taylor Outfitters of Dubois, who offer a four-day Early Winter Wildlife Watch and Cross-Country Ski Trip on the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park any time from November through January. A full array of wildlife from elk, bighorn sheep and bison to otters, coyotes and wolves are usually viewed along the Northern Range in their native habitat. The couple has led many natural history tours in Yellowstone and the surrounding area for more than 25 years.

Wintertime is keen viewing season for moose, bison, elk, coyote, trumpeter swans, and playful otters in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks in addition to national forests near Sheridan/Buffalo, west of Laramie and around Pinedale. Wear layers and check around for a cozy Bed and Breakfast with a warm, inviting fireplace. A good source is the Wyoming Homestay and Outdoor Adventure (WHOA) organization. Wolf watching is one of the most popular of all courses offered at the non-profit Yellowstone Association Institute (YAI) and there are several options available.

Plan Your Trip To Grand Teton:

To explore current programs, recreation and more at Grand Teton National Park visit their website.  

For attractions and events happening throughout the state of Wyoming visit the State of Wyoming Tourism website.

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