Gladys Porter Zoo Welcomes All

Reptile style

The Gladys Porter Zoo welcomes all to discover over 370 species of animals and 225 species of plants. These animals and plants are found within the four zoo geographic areas that include:

Tropical America is where to find Macaws, Caribbean flamingos, Cuban and Orinoco crocodiles, along with other unique and rare animals from the tropics. 

Africa represents Arabian oryx, cape hunting dogs, along with lions, zebras, giraffes, rhinos, and more.

Asia has diverse landscapes and animals that include Bactrian camels, gaur, addax, and pileated gibbons.

Indo-Australia introduces us to thoughtful orangutans along with wallabies, to rare rhino hornbills and magpie geese, kookaburras, and more native species. 

Go to the Gladys Porter Zoo website for tickets, VIP upgrades and membership options.

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