Susan B. Anthony Birthday Celebration


This February come out to celebrate on Susan B. Anthony’s actual birthday.

This February come out to celebrate on Susan B. Anthony’s actual birthday. The festivities take place at the Joseph A. Floreano Riverside Convention Center, 123 E. Main Street, Rochester, NY.

Attending the event is guest speaker, and Director Emeritus of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Brent Glass. Plus, Linda Moroney will also be speaking about her documentary film, Women and the Vote, which is part of a larger initiative to track lesser known suffragists and bring them into the public eye.

Dinner starts at 6:30 pm. This gathering will mark the 150th anniversary year of her vote and her arrest. Imagine, she faced opposition at every turn and never gave up hope for the vote!

By Melody Schubert

Plan Your Trip:

Get your tickets to this event, and explore more about the Susan B. Anthony House Museum via their website at

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