Bald Eagle Days in the Quad Cities

Eagles are returning to nesting areas across America.

The Quad Cities is a popular destination for bald eagles every winter, as they migrate from Canada to the Mississippi River, where the water is frozen and full of fish. The eagles have been living in this region for over 50 years, and they are a symbol of freedom and strength. They have also recovered from being on the verge of extinction.

The Quad Cities welcomes visitors and locals alike to watch the eagles soar and dive along the riverbanks. Look up, and easily spot them by their white heads and tails and their huge wings. The eagles often perch on the trees or nest in the old-growth forests.

The Quad Cities celebrates the return of these amazing birds every year. The number of bald eagles in the area has increased over time. One of the main events that showcases these birds is Bald Eagle Days, which takes place on January 6-8, 2023, at the QCCA Expo Center in Rock Island, Illinois.

Bald Eagle Days is the largest event in the Midwest dedicated to the national symbol of the United States. The event features live eagle programs and demonstrations, Big Run Wolf Ranch, Cold Blooded Creatures, and more than 100 display booths. There are also spotting scopes set up by the Quad City Audubon Society at Sunset Marina in Rock Island for a great eagle watching opportunity.

Plan A Trip To The Quad Cities

The Quad Cities is a playground for all seasons with nature trails, plus parks, and more to explore. While in the region - see the Visit Quad Cities website for tips on savory food and refreshments to sample. Also while on their site discover the Quad Cities collection of engaging museums, attractions, theaters, and musical performances to experience. Happy Travels!

By Melody Schubert

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