A Land Between Worlds by John Mack


Travel to a National Park and nature welcomes you to relax and sit awhile. When we do we'll find a place just to pause and listen to nothing in particular - just the world around us. Simple observation has opens the doors to moments of awe.

For author, John Mack, found that looking out the beauty of nature made him wondered if there could be a balance between it and today’s increasingly seductive technology? A Poet and Photographer, he now shares his thoughts and insights in a new book - A Land Between Worlds by John Mack: The Shifting Poetry of the Great American Landscape.  

The trip was four years long. John traveled 15,000 miles of road in over 25 car rentals, took over 200 flights, while hiking 220 miles. And, the adventure took him from Maine to Hawaii and the southern bend of Texas to the far reaches of Alaska’s arctic circle on this journey of discovery. 

The trip would crisscross America and nearly fifty of its iconic U.S. National Parks. Along his travels he sought to discover what, if anything, our National Parks can teach us about the nature within us. His  experiences in nature provided moments for deep introspection on humankind. And, through poetry, landscape photography, and an interactive augmented reality app, John shares what he learned. 

Look for this book at your local retailer or visit the Power House Books website.

By Melody Schubert

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