Fuego Shoes - Dance Thru The Day


Fuego Shoes - Dance Thru The Day

With creative flair for design, Kevin Weschler, Fuego Designer, knew he wanted a vegan, lightweight dance sneaker. A sneaker that would fuse dancewear with streetwear allowing him to get down whenever and wherever with confidence. He went on the create Fuego in 2019, introducing the world to Fuego Shoes.

Crisp, cool, and clean high-tops that are a twist on their fan-favorite OG low-tops with added freshness & ankle support. What Kevin designed has become the world's most popular dance sneaker that is now used by a global community of passionate dancers.

Consider the difference between shoes

Normal street shoes are heavy, with too much traction for dancing, putting  excessive force on the knees and leads to injuries over time. While traditional dance shoes are outdated and not suited for wear indoors. Kevin’s solution - design Fuego Shoes to be a stylish go-to solution so they can spin and groove on just about any surface without the risk of knee injuries caused by the traction of regular sneakers.

To view the collection of Fuego Shoes, visit their website. 

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