Fort Worth Museum Presents New Exhibit

The change of the season's is one of those things we enjoy watching. To see the springs blooms make you want to get out and walk in the woods or along your favorite trails. The weather has changed over the years - we have less snow here in the Midwest. Are these weather changes due to climate change? Possibly... we are not scientist, so we leave it up to the experts to help us understand these changes and what we can do to help.

Our friends at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History are sharing news on a new exhibit - Project Planet. This immersive experience presents the most up-to-date information on what's happening in our world. With historical artifacts, interactive displays, and innovative visualizations, the exhibition will walk you through some of the most challenging questions about our climate.

Did You Know? The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History has a NEW Preschool Family STEAM Club and a Homeschool Family Science Club.

One of the upcoming surprises at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is new Current Science Studio. This will give everyone a chance to learn even more about the world. The museum has designed Current Science Studio to immerse you in the world of science - which is fantastic! 

Within this new area you'll uncover the science behind the most important issues in today's news. Plus, learn about breakthrough hologram technology, see photos from Mars, and more exciting advances in science.

Plan Your Visit To The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

Use the links provided to learn more about all available exhibits, as well as updated hours of operations.

NOTE: Please be aware that this museum like other may change operating hours due to the pandemic. Check with the website for current news on those changes.

We thank the following for their support of this exhibit

Project Planet is generously provided by Central Market, Current Solar, Fort Worth Academy, Freese and Nichols, Hypergiant Industries and IBM.

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