The Red Bull Rampage Podium Swept By Canadians!

Great job to the Canadian riders who rode hard throughout this exciting event.

Great job to the Canadian riders who rode hard throughout this exciting event. If you haven't seen it, the Red Bull Rampage was a thrilling competition in which the Canadian's swept the podium in Utah. In first place is Brandon Semenuk, Brett Rheeder claimed second, and Tom Van Steenbergen placed third.

Fans watched as 20 of the world’s top riders participated in this years freeride mountain biking competition. For those who could not make it to Utah, the event was aired on Red Bull TV. Plus, an improved augmented and virtual reality experience was available on the Red Bull TV app, which allowed us to scale and explore a photorealistic, 3D model of the mountain course while watching the thrilling competition. If course, if you’re interested in reliving all of the action you can still rewatch the contest anytime, and enjoy the AR/VR experience on

This year’s edition set a new standard of precision in the course’s build. By building out the 2019 event zone in the same area as 2018, dig teams were able to add additional intricacy into how they interweaved different lines with one another. And, by building features on top of existing lines, dig teams were able to create a bigger course than ever before, sculpting perfect takeoffs and landings for riders to fully showcase their riding abilities.

Taking the prize the Red Bull Rampage Best Trick, presented by Maverik, was Brett Rheeder landed a huge can-can backflip to claim the prize. This is just one of many awards given out over the intense series of events. Check out the show and upcoming news on the Red Bull Rampage website.

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