Planning A Trip? Clear Your Browser History Suggest AirHelp

We love to travel, and try to offer savings for your trip like this tip from our friends at AirHelp, who suggest you clear your browser history before searching for travel deals.

This helpful tip can save you plenty of extra money when booking a trip because many sites use cookies to track your searches. Many sites will otherwise keep track of your action, and know that you have looked for a flight, but not booked one. If you return to their site, you might find that the price for the same route is now slightly higher. 

Why does the price rise? The answer is that these site's track your movements through cookies. With these, the site knows you have a particular interest in that trip. So, if you want to save some additional cash, make sure to surf the web in incognito mode. This allows for the freshest results and better prices to be shown.

What makes this a helpful tip is that when traveling over the holidays prices rise. By clearing your browser history or searching in private mode you can find the best deals for your trip!

Happy Travels!

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