Camel and Ostrich Racing In Historic Virginia City, Nevada

The tradition of Camel and Ostrich Races has ingrained itself as a piece of the town’s identity. For those who wish to join the fun and see the Camel and Ostrich Races - your chance is coming up in Early September. Join the festivities and celebrate the event that brings camels, ostriches, zebras and a whole host of other critters to this historic mountain mining town, along with the daring jockeys to race them and crowds to cheer them on.

The first camel race in 1959 was the result of a sort of rivalry between the Territorial Enterprise, Virginia City’s newspaper - that was known for being Mark Twain’s first writing gig. The competition was the San Francisco Chronicle. The editor of the Territorial Enterprise printed a fictitious story about camel races in Virginia City as a hoax, and the editor of the Chronicle reprinted it. The following year, not happy about being made a fool, the Chronicle sent a team to race in Virginia City with a camel borrowed from the San Francisco Zoo – thus beginning a tradition. 

The International Camel and Ostrich Races take place at the Virginia City Arena and Fairgrounds, located on F Street. Tickets are available now, and they even have VIP Seating for the event that includes tent and dinner that evening of the races. Plus, for the first time this year - Hot Camel Nights offers a Friday evening race, giving the opportunity to beat the September heat and enjoy Virginia City’s nightlife afterward!

Plan Your Visit To Historic Virginia City, Nevada

For tickets and to explore more to experience in Historic Virginia City, Nevada visit their website or call the Virginia City Tourism Commission (VCTC) at 775-847-7500.

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