Gen Con Host Over 4000 Roleplaying Games To Experience

As Gen Con grows closer we learn about more entertaining and exciting activities like over 4,000 Roleplaying Game (RPG) events that make it the best four days in gaming! Imagine... you can play your heart out this August, and join one of the largest gathering of tabletop gamers in North America.

Gen Con has broken down the RPG events into categories so it will be easier to select which events you want to participate in. Check out the next evolution in tabletop roleplaying games when you visit Gen Con co-sponsor Paizo. They are bringing Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder 2.0 to the show!

Monte Cook Games RPG will feature all your favorite Dungeons and Dragons events Thier RPG events included D&D Adventurers League, D&D Experience, Living Arcanis, Moonshae Isles, and more to enjoy. As we get closer to Gen Con they will share more news on programs. We're certain to hear more from Chaosium Inc. that will have over 100 events featuring award-winning game systems such as Trail of Cthulhu, Night’s Black Agents, and the d20 fantasy 13th Age.

Do you have a favorite RPG character? The National Society of Crazed Gamers certainly do, and they are excited to celebrate their 40th anniversary. There will be plenty of Pelgrane Press RPG events with Pathfinder tournaments emphasizing puzzle-solving and roleplaying. withh so much to do, it might e good to start registering for events now before they fill up.

Have you heard about the Pop-Up Gen Con events that will be hosted around the nation and different locations? This event brings the top games to a store near you to experience before August when Gen Con takes over the Indianapolis Convention Center and other venues like Lucas Oil Stadium. “We’re excited to bring the Gen Con experience to more tabletop gaming fans than ever before through our new Pop-Up Gen Con program,” said Gen Con President David Hoppe.

One of our favorite gaming stores is The Angry Robot in the Heritage Mall Shoppes in Nashville, Indiana. It's nice to stop in and check out the great selection of comic books and collectibles, and talk gaming. Depending on your location you may find one of the Pop-Up Gen Con events in your area that is a great way to experience new games before August.

Learn More About Gen Con’s Roleplaying Events and Pop-Up Experiences
To explore the wide selection of RPG events to join visit the Gen Con website via this link.

Keep an eye out on the Gen Con website for news on this special event. Pop-Up Gen Con registration will be available for a small fee and include a commemorative badge and an exclusive pin. To order your badges, check the schedules, and register for events go to the Gen Con website at

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