Exploring The Benefits Of THC-Free CBD

For those in pain, whether it is headaches, muscle aches or pain in other areas of the body, finding relief can be a miracle, and THC-Free CBD may provide some relief. One of the best and most effective ways to benefit from non-psychoactive, THC-free CBD is to use it on the largest organ of your body: your skin. 

CBD oil is the non-psychotropic component of marijuana and hemp, well-known for relieving aches and pains when applied topically. Now, it’s found in skin care products such as the luxury line from Mermaid Wizdom—and with good reasons.

Here are three benefits THC-free CBD:

1. Acne: CBD oil is an anti-inflammatory with the ability to help calm skin. Because acne is an inflammatory condition, research indicates CBD’s soothing properties can help diminish breakouts and reduce redness. Recent studies show that CBD may also decrease excessive oil production.

2. Aging and Wrinkles: CBD oil’s antioxidant properties can help lessen the visible signs of aging. It’s rich in vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A stimulates the cells responsible for producing tissue that keeps skin firm. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production. Vitamin E blocks free radicals from the body, to help slow down the aging process.

3. Sensitive Skin: CBD oil has been found to sooth sensitive skin and studies indicate that it helps inhibit triggers of disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.

Thank you to Mermaid Wizdom for sharing their news, and look for them on your social media channels.

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