Beyond The Image: Unsplash Photographers Share More Than A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Unsplash - what is it? It's a community in which photos are shared freely, where photographers and artists can showcase their talents. Here's an example of a photo by Unsplash Contributor, Lee Hnetinka, who shared some colorful culinary delights served at a celebration. Looks like he had a wonderful time!

There are also simple moments in time as captured by Unsplash Contributor, Toa Heftiba that record a memory shared with those we cherish in a majestic place.

Heftiba also created thoughtful and artistic scenes, which could, like many of the amazing photos showcased in Unsplash, be hosted in a gallery.

The beauty of Unsplash is it has united people from around the world to share their creativity - a really nice thing. :) 

The golden age of travel has changed - when we traveled across America's Backyard and Beyond our parents took an abundance of photos. Over time this collection grew until they could cover all the walls in their house with photos. That's just the photos they collected in albums!

Ah, then, came the age of digital photography... Oh, how strange it was to snap so many pictures and just download from the camera. Later, came the SD cards, and so forth, these made it even easier... Suddenly, we could take pictures of everything in the world. Ha - we could finally tell that nagging voice in the back of head that always reminded us how much film cost to finally take a HIKE!

Personally, we take so many photos, we've got plenty to share. Besides, I've found those photos are not doing much good on my hard drive if no one enjoys them?

Think of this... Do you have a goofy photo of your Aunt's cat sleeping upside in a bucket? If so, the photo may be just what someone has been looking for - to make a card for their cat loving Aunt - It Could Happen.

Unsplash welcomes you to join their community, in which photos are shared freely, and photographers and artists can showcase their talents. They serve over 10 billion image requests every month, and there are opportunity's for photographers to win award's for their works - see Toa Heftiba's profile as a example, she has won several awards.

Go beyond the image, and pick a topic, and see what come up. There are so many stunning pictures on Unsplash, and they are worth much than a thousand words!

To learn more visit the Unsplash website to view the collection of amazing photography submitted from around the world.

Photo Credits: Unsplash Photographers/Lee Hnetinka/Toa Heftiba

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