Are You Ready To Vote? - Every Voice Matters

Are You Ready To Vote? - Every Voice Matters

Voting is a personal experience. When you do it for the first time you feel a sense of power - you're voicing your thoughts on important matters. There are many important issues in which a communities voices provide valuable feedback to their elected officials.

While it can seem overwhelming to see all the signs outside an election office - do not be. Take your time, research who you want to elect before going to the polls. Does this person represent your ideas? 

Here is some helpful information to know:

To run as a Democrat, Libertarian or Republican : you can fill out a CAN-16 & 12. Deadline is NOON August 1st.

Independents can fill out CAN 44, 45 & 12. Deadline is Noon July 1st.

If there is a contested race between a Democrat and/or Republican then a Town Convention would be held by that political party.  

For anyone interested in voting this year - October 7th is the deadline to register to vote in the November election.

The election date is November 5, 2019

Check with the local election office in your county for your polling locations.

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