Explore Cultural Treasures Along Utah’s Patchwork Parkway

"Utah’s Patchwork Parkway (Scenic Byway 143), located in the heart of Utah’s southwest, offers one of the great scenic byway experiences in the western United States." This is how the Passport describe's the region, and traveler's agree once they arrive and discover the beauty within the area that has so much to experience. 

Participate in a open house in Parowan, Brian Head, Panguitch, and Cedar City, and learn about the Patchwork Parkway’s (Hwy. 143) Interpretive and Signage Master Plan. Those joining the events can enjoy several activities as well as review the final draft. And, prizes will be given to those who complete their Patchwork Activity Card.

Utah’s Patchwork Parkway was designated as a National Scenic Byway for its historical intrinsic qualities on Oct. 16, 2009. “The Plan was used in the construction of kiosks that were installed in Parowan and Panguitch highlighting the diverse colors, cultures, and climates along the route,” said Dutch Deutschlander, Brian Head Mayor and Byway Chairman. 

Digital copies of the Interpretive and Signage Master Plan will be available to access at community libraries, county tourism offices, and Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah’s Tribal Office, where you can either read through it or make your own digital copy to review at home.  

The Open Houses will be fun for the entire family, and are self-guided, which allows you to come and participate anytime throughout the time of the events. The prize drawing will be held at the end of each Open House.

“The open houses will feature an interactive game where persons can fill in a game card with information found on byway exhibits for some prizes” said Mary Rodin with Kimley-Horn and Associates, the consultant team working on the Interpretive and Signage Master Plan. 

Learn More More About Utah's Patchwork Parkway

For current news, and activities on the Utah's Patchwork Parkway visit www.utahspatchworkparkway.com.

To plan your trip to Southern Utah visit the Brian Head Tourism Bureau at www.ScenicSouthernUtah.com.

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