Join The Tulip Time Festival In Holland, Michigan

Holland attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers for the Tulip Time Festival, which roots date back to 1927. As the story goes it was a thought brought up at a Woman’s Literary Club meeting by Miss Lida Rogers, a biology teacher at Holland High School, that would eventually grow into an annual a​​nd enduring tradition.

This year's Tulip Time Festival takes place May 6-13th, and includes a number of festive events for every age. Of course, the most popular reason folks are drawn to Holland, Michigan is to view the millions of colorful Tulips found throughout town and the countryside.

The Holland Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau has a handy map that makes it easy to drive around town and view the Tulips. Named the "Best Small Town Festival" by Readers Digest, the weeklong festivities feature tours of the tulips, and is the ideal place to pick up a few gardening tips.

Catch one of the three parades, or visit the Dutch Marktplaats to sample a delicious section of Dutch food. Don't miss the traditional Klompen or wooden shoe performances that celebrates the town's Danish heritage. Throughout town there are several locations to explore the history of the region like the Graafschap Heritage Center at Graafschap CRC, located at 5973 Church St. Exhibit's include the story of the region's history from the immigration through prosperity.

Along with historic sites and festivities, Holland, Michigan is a pet friendly town that offers plenty of recreation to enjoy at Holland State Park and along Lake Michigan.

Did You Know? In the species of Irises, purple is among the most dominant color genetically. Some gardener's have noted that their once colorful garden overtime produces more purple Irises because of this genetic effect.

If you enjoy growing Irises you can learn more about the species and how to care for them, as well as learn about the beautiful varieties available by visiting The American Iris Society.

Plan Your Trip To Holland, Michigan 

Holland host many events throughout the year, and is a lovely town to enjoy. To plan your visit check out the news and planning options available at the Holland Area Convention and Visitors Bureau website.

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