Amazing Orangutan’s At The Indianapolis Zoo

The world has many amazing animals, and among these are the Orangutan’s that now live at the Indianapolis Zoo. The Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center is a rare treasurer that is home to largest group of orangutans in any American zoo.

Orangutan‘s are amazing.

When you visit be sure to check out the kiosks set up throughout the exhibit that reveal more about orangutans in the wild. One of the important aspects of the Orangutan Center is revealing how the loss of suitable forest habitats have impacted the orangutans and other animals, and how you can help.

The Indianapolis Zoo has already stepped in to help reestablish their home in the wild by supporting an Indonesian reforestation initiative that began in Borneo’s Kutai National Park. While the forest will take years to grow, when everyone joins together we can make a difference as you'll learn on your visit.

Did You Know? - Orangutans also have opposable thumbs and opposable big toes, and incredible upper body strength, which makes easy for them to climb as high as heights of 150 feet above the ground!

While in the exhibition you cannot help but be amazed at how graceful the orangutans are as they swing back and forth upwards of 70 feet high across the “functional forest.” Throughout the exhibit the orangutans have the freedom to go where they please or wander off to one of the three Oases where they can seek solitude from the others.

Plan Your Visit To The Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center At The Indianapolis Zoo

To save on your tickets, and learn more details on the center and events at the Indianapolis Zoo and White River Gardens visit their website.

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