Sit Comfortably Anywhere With The BackJoy

Like many travelers, we like to drive to our destinations so we can enjoy the sights along the way. Whether flying in to your destination or taking a road trip driving for long periods of time can take toll on your back, yet with BackJoy and BackJoy Posture + we find relief from the strain and pains.

We discovered how helpful the BackJoy is while driving South through Indiana, and found the it made a big difference compared to our previous trip without it. The key is BackJoy's ability to help you sit with a natural and balanced spine. I've taken the BackJoy on our trips, used it while watching TV on the couch, and while sitting at my desk working. BackJoy will also be ideal for the long flight we plan to take later this year! I love the fact that it a light weight and we can take it anywhere.

The key to using the BackJoy or the BackJoy Posture + is to follow the sitting instructions so you experience the most relief for your back pain. You can also watch the how to sit video that is helpful. There is also a version of BackJoy that utilizes Memory Foam, which shapes itself to the contours of your body. This version is especially helpful for those who suffer from pressure points, and for those who sit for long periods of time.

BackJoy offers relief from back strain and painWorking behind a desk all day often adds to my back pain. And, with the BackJoy it not only helps improve my posture, it also takes the pressure off my diaphragm so I can breathe easier. Just sit in it and use the handle area to pull it into place, and you can fell the raise back rest tucking up next to your back, and almost instantly feel comfortable.

Many people with back pain have discovered relief quickly; it all depends on your current conditions and how often you use the BackJoy and BackJoy Posture +. The BackJoy is also helpful for conditions that include Arthritis, Herniated Discs, Compressed or Degenerated Discs, Hip Injuries, Scoliosis, Osteoporosis, and other back or spinal pains.

The BackJoy can be used on couches, chairs, cushions, and mobile chairs as well. I've never been able to sit for very long due to a accident, yet because BackJoy helps me sit properly it feels like I'm cradled in comfort, and find relief for my back pain. And, before using the BackJoy it was difficult to sit on the floor comfortably so I could play with our kittens. Now, with this BackOrthotic, I can enjoy these moments without discomfort.

For those seeking comfort on the go you can now pack the BackJoy Posture +, and be comfortable while traveling. The BackJoy Posture + is the latest addition to the collection, and is available in blue, and pink. When it comes to comfort it does not matter what color your BackJoy is as long as it relieves your pain.

We've enjoyed to relief from our BackJoy so much we've shared it with our family and friends. It's always nice when you can help someone, and this is what this BackOrthotic was designed to do; offer relief. I've found it most comfortable using the BackJoy Posture + while I'm reading. It allows me to sit comfortably and finally get through more than one chapter.

Another great use for the BackJoy Posture + it watching a movie at a Drive-In. since it's just as portable, we can take it with us in our backpack or tote. The BackJoy Posture + is cushioned and soft, adding additional comfort we you need it most. Our friends have even taken their BackJoy Posture + to a football game. 

Learn More and Order Your Backjoy

Whether taking a road trip, watching a movie with family and friends, or enjoying a great book; the BackJoy and BackJoy Posture + offer relief from back pain! Visit their website for current news and product information about ordering your Backjoy!


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