Armor At Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens

The John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection, 2014.1137.

The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens presents - The Age of Armor: Treasures from the Higgins Armory Collection at the Worcester Art Museum. This rare collection reveals armor is as old as human civilization. It also shows the unique styles adapted by different cultures.

The exhibition features nearly 100 objects from the Higgins Armory Collection at Worcester Art Museum, you will learn how armor came into being, how it changed over time, how it was made and used, how it disappeared, and how it has left enduring traces in our cultural memory.

View collections, events and more on the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens website. 

Visit the Worcester Art Museum website for current exhibitions, events and news. 

We thank the Worcester Art Museum for organizing this exhibition!

By Melody Schubert 

The John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection, 2014.1137.

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