Summer Adventures In Alabama


Summer adventures in Alabama

Summer is almost here and time to plan your adventures across Alabama. With so much to see and do, we've picked five upcoming events to help you plan your trip throughout the state.

1. We start with a visit to Old Alabama Town in Montgomery where we tour a authentically restored town and houses, and see how folks lived in the 19th century. Old Alabama Town has re-enactors who tell the tales of those who called Alabama home. Throughout the year there are programs and share stories about life before the days of modern conveniences. The best part is you can participate in hands-on activities and enjoy a step back in time at Old  Alabama Town! Call 1-888-240-1850 or visit their website to learn more about festivities and programs offered.

2. Now on to a visit to the Sci-Quest where exhibits bring to life the history of the space program. You'll also discover what's new in space exploration, and how NASA uses satellites and space telescopes. One of the interesting parts of this exhibit is learning how we could live in space with a glimpse of future human space travel through the highly advanced interactive displays. Visit their website or call 256-837-0606 for details on this and other exhibits and programs. 

3. Pack and picnic and join the City of Millbrook Summerfest for an evening of festivities and spectacular fireworks. Entertainment provided by a variety of area bands and The festive is a tribute planned to all local Millbrook businesses, which are the heart of the city. Learn more about this FREE events by calling 334-285-6428 or visit their website

4. Moulton Lawrence County Saddle Club Horse Show takes place in the Iron Rail Arena every first Saturday of each month. During the Lawrence County Saddle Club Horse Show for western pleasure classes, gaited classes, barrel racing, pole bending & arena race, and judged classes as well as timed events. Visit the website for show times and other events taking place at the Iron Rail Arena or call 256-974-3427 for additional information.

5. In Dothan is Landmark Park, located at Hwy. 431 N, where every Tuesday pre-school age children can enjoy storytelling programs. One of the programs running through the end of July is Dothan Animal Tales. Not only do children and parents get to enjoy story time, but they can also participate in dance, song and pantomime. Visit the website for a full schedule of family fun events or call 334-794-3452 to more details.

By Melody Schubert

Plan Your Alabama Trip

To learn more about events, attractions, and trip planning options for your trip to Alabama visit the Alabama Department of Tourism website.





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